Final Phase 1 Meeting

The final meeting of this first phase of the Children's Memorial Site Re-Use study will take place on Monday, June 16th at 6:30PM at the St. Vincent dePaul Center, 2145 N Halsted Street. The document developed from the previous meetings will be presented for our use as the basis for future discussions on the redevelopment.


June 16th is a Tuesday. Is the meeting on Monday June 15th or Tuesday June 16th?

May 27, 2009 at 5:23 PM  

It's Tuesday, June 16th.

May 27, 2009 at 6:25 PM  

What buildings, if any are going to be torn down?

June 4, 2009 at 8:50 AM  

Are they considering extending Burling Street to make for a more typical block pattern? This could limit the size to the construction and prevent anything from being too massive.

June 4, 2009 at 1:26 PM  

why can't we have an entertainment place? There's no movie threate in this area!

June 11, 2009 at 1:11 PM  

why can't we have an entertainment place? There's no movie threate in this area!

June 11, 2009 at 1:12 PM  

Oops. I wrote my comment on the wrong date.

I cannot make the meeting and would like to hear about what planning is being done for the PUBLIC SCHOOLS. When I read about more residential buildings, I am beyond concerned about the public school (Lincoln) literally around the corner.

It is already bursting at the seams. And, unless they change LaSalle to a neighborhood school, there is nowhere for our children to go.

So, I implore you to reveal to us what plans you have for future students when you talk about future residential units.

I am hoping for a true community-oriented offering (a new YMCA, new Park District facility, etc.) and cannot even accept any residential plan as serious unless they are co-presented with a Chicago Public Schools plan.

If there is a residential component, please tell us what the accompanying education plan is.

June 15, 2009 at 4:54 PM  

The so called "best use" will probably be whatever makes Children's the most money to pay for their new building in Streeterville.

June 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM  

This comment has been removed by the author.

June 19, 2009 at 5:28 PM  

The "Contennial Garden" project seems like the best choice for this site, while preserving the historic buildings on the site. This would be a valuable asset for Lincoln Park and Chicago as a whole. This would solve the problem of the lost business from Children's Memorial and would bring business to the area by replacing the lost business from patients with the "Centennial Garden," those who would visit this dynamic plan for the redevelopment of this site into the reuse of the historic buildings and the creation of "Contennial Garden."

July 1, 2009 at 3:58 PM  

When will the electronic copy of the final document be available?

July 2, 2009 at 4:05 PM  

Landmarks Illinois communicated with Alderman Vi Daley to express their support for the preservation and adaptive-use of key historic buildings.

Landmarks Illinois
The Monadnock Building
53 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1315
Chicago, Illinois 60604-3562

June 24, 2009

Alderman Vi Daley
Office of the 43rd Ward
735 W. Wrightwood
Chicago, IL 60614

RE: Preservation of Children’s Memorial Hospital Campus Properties

Dear Alderman Daley:

Landmarks Illinois continues to hear from residents of the Lincoln Park community about their overwhelming support for the preservation and adaptive-use of key historic buildings owned by Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH), which will be offered as part of an upcoming redevelopment Request for Proposal (RFP). So that we could be better informed of the current status of this RFP process, Lisa DiChiera on our staff attended the June 16th public meeting at St. Vincent DePaul Center.

At that time, it was noted that many residents view buildings such as the Nellie Black Building (700 W. Fullerton), the White Elephant Building (Lincoln and Halsted) and Annex (Lincoln and Fullerton) as integral to the area’s streetscape and as a visual gateway to the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Although representatives of HOK and U.S. Equities said a reuse proposal for the Black Building may be possible, they were vague in their commitment to help promote the White Elephant and Annex buildings for adaptive-use.

As part of the RFP process, we feel it is critical that all prospective developers be provided with a list of all significant buildings (from the report prepared by Granacki Historic Consultants for HOK), as well as information regarding preservation tax incentives for their adaptive-use.

Some have suggested that the hospital has no obligation to market these buildings for preservation, based on the nearly 20-year-old Community Agreement with Children’s Memorial Medical Center (May 30, 1990). However, as we stated in a January 16, 2009 letter to you, our attorney believes that this would only be applicable if CMH developed those sites for a “medical facility providing pediatric care.” Because this is no longer the case - - due to CMH’s intent to relocate and sell its properties for redevelopment - - we believe this agreement no longer applies.

If we can be of any assistance to you and the community in reviewing a draft RFP or responses to the RFP, please let me know.


Jim Peters (signature)
Jim Peters

cc: Patrick Magoon, President/CEO, Children’s Memorial Hospital
Brian Goeken, Historic Preservation Division, Dept. of Zoning and Land Use Planning
Patricia Scudiero, Commissioner, Dept. of Zoning and Land Use Planning
Chris Raguso, Acting Commissioner, Dept. of Community Development

August 10, 2009 at 10:59 AM  

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