Open Space Suggestions for Redevelopment

Open space suggestions:

  • landscaping
  • trees
  • not "Clybourn"
  • wide sidewalks


The hospital already creates a "Clybourn" like feel along Lincoln Ave in that it is built to within an inch of the sidewalk for many long stretches, offers very little to pedestrians, features stark walls, lacks vegetation, and feels more like a traffic corridor than a neighborhood.

I agree with the other neighbors who believe now is an opportunity to improve that corridor.

The CNU offers some architectural, design, and planning concepts geared toward improving the quality of urban developments. Have these been discussed in the meetings?

December 10, 2008 at 10:10 AM  

In the last five years, the HOK Planning Group has won three National Charter Awards through the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU). Their credentials, project history and public outreach were major factors in the selection of the firm for this process.

December 10, 2008 at 11:14 AM  

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